Healing Stories Experience the World in a New Way Captiva Island_Healing Wall
Ready to help build the world's Healing Wall?

There are two ways to contribute.


We are collecting stones from all seven continents to imbed into the retaining wall of the world's Peace Dome—located on the College of Metaphysics campus. Researchers expect the wall to set into motion a vibration unique to our planet, unlike anything that has come before. That's why we have named it the Healing Wall. Help us unite the world in spirit and matter by sending us a local, natural stone, up to 2" (5 cm) with its story. Your participation will be noted in the Registry and the stone's story may be featured here at www.HealingWall.org.

Please send stones, a story to go with it, and its location to:

The Healing Wall
College of Metaphysics
163 Moon Valley Road
Windyville, MO, USA


Make your contribution by clicking Donate. FINANCIALLY SUPPORT THE HEALING WALL

To prepare the relief map to receive stones, preparatory work must be done by professional individuals. We want the Healing Wall to reflect the best the world has to offer. The Peace Dome was financed completely from donations from individuals like you. The Healing Wall, from the stones within it to the grounds around it, will come from the same grassroots source – the people of the Earth.

To visit our other peace or metaphysics related websites, visit:
www.som.org | www.peacedome.org

Connecting the World
Transformative Change