Healing Stories

Connecting the World

Ayres Rock_Uluru_Healing Wall
Connecting the World

Since Peace Dome Dedication Day on October 11, 2003, we have been receiving stones from people around the world. To date, almost 300 stones representing 57 countries have been collected. From Uluru (aka Ayers Rock) in Australia to shells from the Gulf of Mexico to black obsidian from Kenya, it has become apparent that we are receiving Earth herself, unifying the planet in one place. Soon, you will be able to walk up to this wall an literally hold the world in your hands.

There is growing scientific speculation as to what this might mean. The question is: What will happen when pieces of the planet are united in one place? Physical science recognizes that every rock has characteristics that reflect its process of formation. College of Metaphysics geologists are researching and cataloguing each stone as it arrives to insure that all the world's known minerals find their way to the Healing Wall. Metaphysicians are examining the energetic properties of these mineral formations as conductors or resistors to ascertain the magnetic field they produce. Once in place on the Healing Wall, these stones will produce an energetic field of the earth in minature. With this in mind, the potential for the wall to live up to its name is revealed.

"Peace is achieved by those who fulfill their part of a greater plan." – Universal Peace Covenant

When you approach the Healing Wall, the overwhelming sense that the planet is in your midst will neutralize your ego and open your heart. The realization that you are in the presence of thousands of people's offerings of peace and goodwill, will enable you to experience connection with all of humanity.

Evidence of this has already made itself known as people visit the Peace Dome. Children are drawn like a magnet to the relief map where the stones will be enlaid. Fathers lift their toddlers so they can touch the place they call home. People stretch their hands, using themselves as a human conduit, to unite areas in conflict. The Healing Wall changes those who enter her presence, and we are in some ways made whole.

This is the potential of the Healing Wall – the power of transformation.

Transformative Change